Afghan Black Hash is a hash clone. It is worldwide legal, and it will be legal forever. It does NOT contain any THC, synthetic cannabinoids or other research chemicals (like JWH-018, JWH-073, JWH-250, AM-2209, etc.). It is probably the best legal hash on the market. We only use natural, food quality materials. It looks like hash, it feels like hash, it smells like hemp and it has a very good taste. Afghan Black hashish only differs in color from our other products. If you are not familiar with our products, buy a sample pack first. The shipping is free. Buy more from our legal hash products and the price will be lower.
Afghan Black Hash The name hashish comes from the Arabic word ( حشيش ) which means grass. It is believed that massive hashish production for international trade originates in Morocco. During the 1960s, where the cannabis plant is widely available. Before the coming of the first hippies from the Hippie Hashish Trail. Only small pieces of Lebanese hashish were found in Morocco. However, hemp is reported from a cultural setting in Taiwan. As long ago as 10,000 BC. And he earliest human use of Cannabis appears to have occurred in the steppe regions of Central Asia or in China.
Northern India is a long social tradition in the production of hashish, know locally as charas. Which is believed to be the same plant resin as is burn in the ceremonial booz rooz of Ancient Persia. Cannabis indica grows wild almost everywhere on the Indian sub-continent. And special strains have been particularly cultivated for the production of ganja and hashish. Especially in West Bengal, Rajasthan and the Himalayas. Afghan Black Hash
Also in 1596, Dutchman Jan Huyghen van Linschoten spent three pages on “Bangue” (bhang) in his historic work documenting his journeys in the East. He particularly mentions the Egyptian Hashish. He says, “Bangue is likewise much use in Turkey and Egypt, and is made in three sorts, having also three names. The first by the Egyptians is called Assis (Hashish (Arab.)), which is the founder of Hemp, or of Hemp leaves, which is water make in paste or dough, they would eat five peeces, (each) as big as a Chestnut (or larger). This is used by the common people, because it is of a small price, and it is no wonder, that such virtue proceeds from the. Hempe, for that according to Galen’s opinion, Hempe excessively filleth the head. Afghan Black Hash
In the 1800s, hashish was embraced in some European literary circles. Most famously, the Club des Hashischins was a Parisian club dedicated to the consumption of hashish and other drugs. Its members include literary luminaries such as Théophile Gautier Dr. Moreau ‘de Tours, Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas. Charles Baudelaire and Honoré de Balzac. Baudelaire later writes the 1860 book Les Paradis artificiels, about the state of being under the influence of opium and hashish. At around the same time. American author Fitz Hugh Ludlow wrote the 1857 book The Hasheesh Eater about his youthful experiences, both positive and negative, with the drug. Afghan Black Hash
Hashish, or hash, is an extract product composed of compressed or purified preparations of the stalk resin gland. Call trichomes, from the cannabis plant. It contains the same active ingredients as marijuana—such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other cannabinoids—but often in higher concentrations than the unsafe buds or leaves from which the marijuana is made. Afghan Black Hash
It is worldwide legal, and it will be legal forever. Also, it does NOT contain any THC, synthetic cannabinoids or other research chemicals. (like JWH-018, JWH-073, JWH-250, AM-2209 etc.). Which is probably the best legal hash on the market. We only use natural, food quality materials. It looks like hash, it feels like hash, it smells like hemp and it has a very good taste. Afghan Black hashish only differs in color from our other products. If you are not familiar with our products, buy a sample pack first. The shipping is free. Buy more from our legal hash products and the price will be lower.
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