The product depends on the quality of the cannabis and extraction. buy weed europe, High-quality QWISO often looks clear and yellow, like a shatter, with a malleable texture. Cannabis For Sale Online, Low-quality iso hash is often green (from plant chlorophyll) or black, Weed Home Delivery, and gummy in texture. Buy Kush Online.
Iso hash / Qwiso Follow our detailed step-by-step procedure to produce your own ISO Hash.
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The first question is why use a quick wash technique to extract the resins, instead of long soaks to extract as much resin as possible, or just reflux boiling the material in alcohol to get the greatest amount of extracted material?
The answer to that is that because alcohol is a highly polar solvent that is soluble in water, the latter two techniques also extract the water-soluble like chlorophyll and plant alkaloids, as well as the plant waxes and vegetable oil.
Even quick wash does to a lesser degree, but the additional steps that we include here minimize pickup even further and we take additional steps to remove the impurities that we do pick up so that they are not left behind on the skin.
The first wash will usually extract 75 to 80%, leaving the balance for the second. If you use a hand microscope, you can easily see when the trichome heads are gone and the stalks look like wet fur.
A cured material QWISO absolute made from the prime bud is one of the most aromatic and tasty of the extraction and consistently gets high raves from the volunteer test panels, as well as the patients and students when vaporize. Both from an efficacy, as well as a flavor standpoint.
This process is for mixe leaf material, however, which includes fan leaves, so it usually isn’t all that tasty.
The first step in the process is to get as much water as possible out of the material. Typically material for smoking has been a cure to about 15% water content. 15% is a lot of water and the alcohol already is 1% in it, so unless we reduce the water content even further, we will be extracting a lot of water-soluble.
We dry our cure material even further by spreading it on a cookie sheet and baking it in a 200F oven until just frangible when roll between the finger and thumb.
At this point, we have a choice of running the leaf whole or reducing it in size to improve packing. Leaving it whole will produce a more pristine extraction, with the least amount of chlorophyll pickup, and we do it both ways.
When we make QWISO for vaporizing, or for a show and tell beauty contest, we always leave the leaves whole.
When reducing it in size, while it is still warm from the oven. We force the material through a pasta strainer.
In both cases, we seal the material in a jar while still warm and place in the freezer to tie up any remaining water as ice. We also put the 99% Isopropyl alcohol in the freezer.
When they have both stabilized at about -32C/0F, we pour the alcohol into the jar of plant material, so that it is at least an inch above the material, and shake it gently for 20 seconds.
At the end of 20 seconds, we dump it through a wire strainer to drain quickly. I use a pasta strainer to catch the bulk of the material, followed by a fine mesh French Chinoise. This allows the material and alcohol to separate fast.
We set the material aside to dry and refreeze for a second extraction.
Next, we filter the alcohol, using either vacuum and a #1 lab filter, filter or a simple coffee filter, depending on the quantity we are processing.
After filtration, there are a couple of directions to go, depend on use. If it is to be used for vaporizing, we may place it a large surface area dish, like a Pyrex pie plate, and just blow air over it. That reduces it fast but is not a suitable technique in dusty areas. That can be improved somewhat by placing cheesecloth over the dish and blowing over the top of that.
When the alcohol is visually gone, place the dish on a 140F heat mat. Or, I float it in a hot water dish, until the smell and taste of the Isopropyl are gone, usually around 30 minutes to an hour.
For our use in topical, we place the filtered liquid in a bain-marie stainless vessel. Next, I place that into an oil bath heated to 121C/250F.
I throw four jar lids in the bottom of my electric fondue pot. To suspend the container up off the bottom. It helps to eliminate hot spots and never trust the numbers on the fondue pot dial. Instead, I use a good a mercury lab, or a digital thermometer to set the dials. Good temperature control is key to the process.
That means the device that we use to control the oil temperature must have a narrow dead band. So that the temperature control is stable.
Finding it interesting?
We pay about $60 for a Cuisinart fondue pot that was designed to heat-sensitive sauces like chocolate. And, this is excellent control throughout its temperature range. We score a second one for $15 at Goodwill, so do shop about.
There are a couple of Revels in our group that are slightly larger and work well. Plus cost only about $30, though they have a slightly larger dead band.
Some fry cookers have sensitive enough controls. However, many deep fryers design to primarily run at 375F, lack control sensitivity and have large dead bands at 250F.
We boil off the alcohol until the liquid is reduced to a pool of oil. Also, but minor bubbles cease rising at the edges. Next, we pour in at least ten volumes of ethanol. And then, wash out the whole pot by swirling it and washing off any resin stuck to the sides.
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