
Top 44 Feminized Seed

Original price was: €60.00.Current price is: €47.00.

Top 44 is also one of our best feminized commercial seed-strains; she’s a potent, solid, easy to grow cannabis plant and a great selection for the first time grower. She doesn’t gain too much height during flowering or produce a great deal of lateral branching, making her ideal for growing in confined gardens or Sea of Green farming. Top 44 Feminized has also proven to be a great producer when grown on sunny balconies. If you’re short on space, time, or both, choosing to buy Top 44 Feminized cannabis seeds could solve some of these problems!

Top 44 Feminized is a heavy-yielding, mostly-Indica cannabis hybrid. This feminized strain is one of our fastest flowering varieties. True to her name, Top 44 can flower in just over 6 weeks (or 44 days) when grown in ideal conditions!

Buy Top 44 Fem Online | Top 44 Fem for sale | Top 44 Fem

Her smoke is rich, peppery and Skunky with a long-lasting buzz.

Buy Top 44 Fem Online | Top 44 Fem for sale | Top 44 Fem

  • Compact plant: Top 44 Feminized will have a relatively small height gain during the flowering phase.
  • Flowering 45 – 60 days: Top 44 Feminized will have a comparatively short flowering time.
  • 85% Indica: The Top 44 Feminized strain has a large proportion of Indica genes in its background.

Top 44 Feminized Seed

$47.00 for 10 seeds

Top 44 Strain is one of those strains that are loved by both commercial and domestic growers. It is a top-quality strain with an incredibly fast flowering time (as little as 44 days, which is where this strain gets its name) and is generally well-suited to all kinds of growing operations. Top 44 is available is a feminized seed, which means all the seeds are going to turn into a female, flowering plants.

Top 44 Feminized Seed

Top 44 is an indica-dominant hybrid and was originally bred in the Netherlands. This strain gets its genetics from a Skunk bred with a Viking. Its THC content puts it in the mid-range for the strains of weed that come from Skunk parents but is nonetheless a strong high.

The effects from Top 44 are both strong and long-lasting, although the variety of stones seems to differ over the experience. An initial euphoria comes into both the mind and body immediately after smoking, but after some time it turns into a very sedative body high. It could leave you on the couch for a little while. The flavor is rich and peppery and her aroma is skunky.

Limited space, limited time, and high demand are no problems to contend with if you’re growing Top 44. This is an ideal strain to have as a part of any commercial growing operation and is a great choice for new time growers. With yields as high as 500 grams per square meter, there is no wonder it is so popular!

This is one of the easier strains to grow and that is why it is loved by both experienced commercial growers and newbies alike. Top 44 is quite a compact plant, meaning it is suitable for both indoor and outdoor growers alike. It won’t take up too much space in your grow room and if you’re growing outdoors, it should not be any taller than your fence. It has a flowering time of as little as 44 days and up to 60, putting it in a very short time frame for flowering. The beauty of Top 44 is that it also produces great yields. She does require a little TLC to get the most potential out of the yield, but experienced growers should find this a breeze.


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